
Classes on Internet, Finance to Be Offered


Thousand Oaks residents can learn how to surf the Internet and how a computer can be used as a stock market investing tool during two free classes at the Civic Arts Plaza’s 3-month-old Telecommunity Center.

On Wednesday at 7 p.m., Daryl Kibota, vice president of the Thousand Oaks Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. office, will focus on high-tech finance, according to Georgellen Hofhine of the Consortium for Advanced and Technical Education, which is sponsoring the class. Students will learn how to follow the stock market and manage a financial portfolio using the World Wide Web.

On Thursday at 7 p.m., Daniel Seemiller of the California Information Network will give an introduction to the Internet, teaching students basic skills for maneuvering in cyberspace.


The classes are part of a recent effort to get the public involved in “smart communities,” said Shirley Cobb, city media services manager.

The Telecommunity Center, which opened in April, is paid for with grants from federal highway funds, the California Department of Transportation and the city of Thousand Oaks, Cobb said.

As part of its goals, Caltrans wants to analyze how the Information Superhighway affects communities.

For example, Caltrans is looking at ways to reduce traffic and improve air quality by encouraging people to telecommute, or work at home on their computers, Cobb said.

The center is open weekdays, and its computers, distance-learning room and video conferencing office are free to use. Computer help is provided.

For more information about the classes, call Hofhine at 449-2354. For more information about the Telecommunity Center, call Cobb at 449-2120.
