
Cigarette Tax


Re “Hike the Cigarette Tax and Insure Children,” Commentary, July 16: Rep. Nancy Johnson and Sen. Edward Kennedy are correct in wanting to increase the cigarette tax; however, they miss the point in implementing the tax revenues generated. Cigarettes cause the vast majority of Medicare expenditures. They do not cause children to be uninsured. Why should a cigarette tax be used to fund insurance for children? That is a national disgrace that should be paid for by everyone.

Why not add a $1-per-pack tax and put it all into the bankrupt Medicare fund so those people who will consume the Medicare dollars in the future pay for those costs as they go? At a pack per day, $365 per year is cheap insurance and it would definitely help fund their future care and reduce the number of kids getting hooked in their teens. A simple solution to two problems. Let all of us pay for uninsured kids.


Manhattan Beach
