
What Is the Motley Fool?


Founded by brothers Tom and David Gardner in 1994, the Motley Fool began as a place where investors could meet on America Online. That’s still their major role, but now its Web site has expanded to provide a variety of educational materials and advice, often with a sense of humor. The Gardners, with their Fool staff, run the sites and create this feature. An interview with the Gardners and the text of their speech at the Times’ Investment Strategies conference last February can be found under “additional information” at

So, where did the name come from? Remember Shakespeare? In Elizabethan days, fools were the only people who could get away with speaking the truth to the king or queen. The Motley Fool seeks to tell the truth about investing and hopes you’ll laugh all the way to the bank. Tell us what you think about this new feature. Call (213) 237-4557 or send e-mail to (don’t send Fool entries here; see e-mail address under “Write!”) or write to us at Wall Street, California, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
