
Democrats Fear Voter Fraud Inquiry


* If the Democrats are so sure there was no voter fraud in the 46th District election, why are they spending so much time, money and effort to stop the investigation?

Now, the Democrats are initiating action to clog and interrupt House proceedings in Washington to get their way. I am astounded that they have the audacity to deliberately undermine the progress of our nation’s business.

If they really want a quick conclusion of this probe, why have they made every attempt to stall it?


It does not take political genius to realize the Democrats are very frightened of what might come to light if the House Oversight Committee in Washington and California Secretary of State Bill Jones are allowed to proceed.

They just might discover the extent of voter fraud in the last election. Those of us interested in the truth and who want to establish a voting system that has integrity should voice opinions to our federal and state elected officials.


Santa Ana

* Dana Parsons, in his Oct. 26 column, “GOP Doesn’t Need Opposition to Lose This Battle for Votes,” has basically bought into the Democrats’ spin that the delay is because the Republicans do not have any evidence, or what they do have is inconsequential--just a few innocent people who registered prematurely.

Allow me to offer a few facts. The Immigration and Naturalization Service did not turn over the records to the House Oversight Committee until June 24, under subpoena!

Any delay has been caused by the Democrats and those involved in this case who have refused to answer their subpoenas.

While some of those who registered prematurely may have been sincerely deluded (or deliberately deceived), their votes still cannot be counted.


And given the numbers attributed to only one organization, one must ask: Was there an effort on behalf of one candidate to secure these votes?

The Republicans’ primary goal has been to determine how many illegal votes were cast, not to unseat Rep. Loretta Sanchez, but it is outrageous to suggest that should significant numbers of illegal votes be found a new election is not in order.

At the very least, the outcome is uncertain. Once the demographics are known, perhaps we will have solved the mystery as to how my father, Robert K. Dornan, won on election night and then lost weeks later once the record-setting “walk-in” absentee ballots were counted!

Dornan supporters are as anxious as anyone to know the results. We have withstood a year of unprecedented slander. Unlike the Democrats, who spin the established facts in an effort to hide the truth, the Republicans are quietly and diligently seeking the truth.

We will know soon. I look forward to Parsons’ next article dealing with the final, irrefutable facts.


San Juan Capistrano
