
Recent Changes to Immigration Law


Re “House Approves Nicaraguan and Cuban Amnesty,” Nov. 13:

Caving in to immigration-rights activists and foreign lobbyists, Washington politicians led by Reps. Xavier Becerra (D-Los Angeles), Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) have again revised our immigration laws to allow illegal immigrants and Nicaraguan refugees to stay in the U.S.

What is disturbing is to see Republican legislators joining the open-borders lobby in rewarding refugees (draft dodgers) and illegal immigrants with amnesty and other special considerations. These spineless Republicans have betrayed the party, the American people, and have gone against the interests of this country. The wishes of the American people have been completely ignored.

Americans, wake up before it is too late!


Santa Ana

“Congress OKs 2-Month Amnesty for Green Cards” (Nov. 14) seemed to imply that I encourage expedient marriages by immigrants seeking ways to acquire lawful residency in the U.S. Nothing I stated during the interview should have been construed as encouraging fraudulent marriages. Getting married under false pretenses--for example, solely to advance one’s immigration status--is illegal and subject to criminal prosecution. At the same time, couples who have outstanding (and legitimate) plans to wed should be aware of the upcoming Jan. 14 deadline, when Section 245(i) expires.


The article also misstates who is eligible for Section 245(i) treatment. The following family relationships qualify visa holders for Section 245(i): spouse, parent, sibling and child of a U.S. citizen, as well as spouse and unmarried child of a lawful permanent resident.


D-Los Angeles
