
$1 Million in AIDS Funds Given to Treatment Center


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) announced Tuesday the allocation of $1 million in federal funds for aggressive and innovative new AIDS treatments in Los Angeles, much of it earmarked for a facility in the West Adams district.

The funds will be used for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Success Through Anti-Retroviral Treatment program, an intensive, short-term residential program for people with nonmedical risks such as homelessness.

Waters announced the allocation at the Carl Bean House, named for Rev. Carl Beal, director of the Minority AIDS project. The facility in the West Adams district offers 24-hour support from nurses and physicians to mitigate side effect of new AIDS drugs.


“I want to thank congresswoman Waters and all her colleagues who worked diligently to secure these funds for Californians with HIV,” said Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
