
City May Install 180 Parking Meters


Beach-goers may have to look a littler harder to find free parking if city officials approve installing 180 parking meters, the first such expansion in 16 years.

Under a plan that will be considered tonight by the Planning Commission, 110 parking meters could spring up on Camino Capistrano between Monte Vista and Pacific Coast Highway. Another 42 meters are proposed for Avenida Calafia from Avenida Del Presidente to the state beach, and 28 are proposed for Ola Vista.

The City Council, which requested the meter study in an effort to raise more money, has final say on the issue.


Citywide, there are 983 metered parking spaces--installed during 1980 and 1981--earning about $400 annually per space. Last year, coins generated about $389,000.

The meters cost motorists 25 cents for every 15 minutes. Violators pay fines of $35, raised from $32 in July. The city handed out about 12,290 parking tickets from July 1996 through June, collecting $381,000.
