
True Scouts Do Their Duty to God


* I note that the Randall twins are back in the news requesting membership in Boy Scouts, which they have not earned (“Scouts Seek to Bar Atheists’ Advance,” Sept. 27).

The boys are to be congratulated on their perseverance and on the diligence, which has enabled them to proceed this far in the organization. I’m sure that they have learned much and developed good character through the past eight years.

At the time the boys first hit the headlines, one was quoted as saying that they were guaranteed “a piece of happiness.” He did not cite the words of the Founding Fathers which preceded that promise: “That all men are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.” Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, these rights devolve from God, not man.


By going to court, the twins may get a judicial order to admit them to the highest degree of Scouting. They may get the title, but they should know within their hearts that they are not truly Eagle Scouts unless they accept the Scout precept of duty to God. A man may attend church and do good works, but unless he accepts the deity of Christ, a court declaration that he is a Christian would be meaningless. People who have not followed the controversy will not be aware of the difference.


