
Clinton Flies Through Fire on Both Wings

Kenneth L. Khachigian is former White House speech writer who practices law in Orange County. He was Bob Dole's chief California strategist in the 1996 campaign. His column appears here every other week

Teflon inadequately describes Bill Clinton’s insulation against the disgrace he’s brought to the American presidency. More apt are those exotic tiles that preserve the space shuttle against the massive heat and shearing effects of reentry to Earth.

Item: A free ride for a religious cheap shot. The Clinton videotapes have been instructive on a number of subjects, but one of the most telling has gone largely unremarked.

The Los Angeles Times recently described a tape of Clinton’s appearance last year at a fund-raising gathering in Detroit before a “predominantly Jewish audience.” Clinton, The Times noted, “knew exactly where to go” as the president observed “not once but twice that [Robert] Dole--in addition to his meanness--had a 100% approval rating from the Christian Coalition.”


Say what?

This wasn’t an accidental slip of the tongue, for no contemporary political figure is more calculating than Clinton. It is impossible not to interpret the president’s words as a shove of the envelope to the edge of unacceptable intolerance--cynically exploiting religious as well as political tensions.

Consider for a moment if Bob Dole had gone before the Christian Coalition to claim that Bill Clinton was a lap dog for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee--Washington’s extremely effective pro-Israeli lobby. Dole would have been skewered. Clinton takes a walk.

Clinton’s vicious and divisive ploy deserves the condemnation of all--at the very least a public accounting. But especially protected these days are liberal bigots who trash Christian activists. Clinton’s no dummy. He knows he can dish out this political slime and emerge no worse for it.

Item: Janet Reno takes the fall for her patron. Why are my conservative colleagues nuking Janet Reno? Putting the heat on the attorney general deflects it away from the real culprit: her boss. Bill Clinton has the lead role; Reno’s merely a supporting cast member.

Consider. Roiled in controversy and possible lawbreaking, the president knows the players who could cut the Gordian knot of the scandal. They are his longtime friends and associates. Yet, the president is under virtually no pressure to help investigators by calling upon his friends to pony up the truth.

The “coffee” videotapes show Clinton embracing his 20-year friendship with Charlie Trie and making warm remarks about “my good friend” John Huang. Millions of dollars raised by Huang and Trie have been returned because of concerns that the money came from what the Associated Press has described as “foreign or other improper sources.”


Trie is on the lam, reputed to be in China, and Huang--a central figure--refuses to testify by taking the 5th. Johnny Chung, who acknowledges he bought access with his political donations, is shown on video getting a bear hug from Clinton but today refuses to cooperate with investigators. James Riady, another Clinton supporter and friend whose name has figured prominently with these others, has also skipped the country.

Janet Reno is small potatoes. If Bill Clinton believes he did nothing wrong, his pals can get him off the hook. What we need to be doing is asking Bill Clinton every day why he doesn’t tell his “good friends” and “longtime” supporters to come forward with the truth, to return to the United States and testify freely about their relationships with him.

Item: Even the wrath of the left does no damage. You have to admit there is delicious irony in the fiery attacks on Clinton by Jody Williams. Recall that a couple of weeks back Ms. Williams won the Nobel Peace Prize as the coordinator for the International Campaign to Ban Land Mines and promptly pounded Clinton for his decision not to sign the international mine ban treaty.

You’d think Clinton would be sympathetic to a sister who cut her teeth on antiwar demonstrations and sit-ins. And she’s such a precious relic of Woodstock with her “I’m-too-cool- to-wear-shoes-when-I- give-interviews” persona.

But Clinton, who thought presidents and generals during the Vietnam War were stupid and destructive, now--as commander in chief--has exercised his judgment to protect the lives of American soldiers. Williams calls him “a wienie” and caterwauls over the lack of a congratulatory phone call from the Oval Office. Clinton sent a letter instead.

Those heat-shield tiles protect attacks from the left too.

Nevertheless, the irony is still delicious.
