
Having a Safe Halloween

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* Adults should accompany young children

* Go trick or treating while it is still light; carry a flashlight--not candles--after dark

* Stay within the neighborhood and visit only homes you know; plan the route

* Choose costumes that are easy to see. Use light colors or reflective tape

* Costumes should be short to avoid tripping

* Make sure children can see well through masks, or use makeup instead of a mask

* Cross streets at corners and never cross between vehicles

* Walk where it is well lit and stay on sidewalks

* Avoid hard plastic or wood props such as daggers or swords; substitute foam rubber

* Children should knock only on doors of homes where lights have been turned on.


* Only give or accept wrapped or packaged candy

* Have children wait until they are home before eating treats, so parents can check them

* Give children a good meal before they leave so they will be less tempted to eat treats before they get home.

Source: Automobile Club of Southern California/City of Anaheim/Santa Ana Police Department
