
Donations Accepted to Help Pay for Monument to Cook


After protests by some residents about a City Council-approved plan to build a $15,000 monument to former City Manager Art Cook, the city has announced that it will accept donations to help defray costs.

About a month after the council approved a plan to pay for the monument, members said they will take donations to offset the city’s costs.

The monument will consist of a wall featuring a plaque proclaiming it the Arthur E. Cook Jr. Water Production Facility. The plan for the monument generated a 3-2 split on the council, with members Larry Glenn and Christine Degrassi opposing the use of public funds. Several activists and a local editorial page have condemned the use of tight tax dollars.


Cook, who worked at City Hall for more than 40 years, retired this summer. Council members and fellow employees credit him with shaping the infrastructure of modern Glendora, including its water system.
