
In Sherri Dally’s Words . . .


During the execution of a search warrant at her home on May 18, 1996, authorities found this letter written by Sherri Dally to her estranged husband, Michael. It was on top of the refrigerator in the Dallys’ Ventura home. The letter was not dated, but prosecutors believe based on references in the document that it was written only a few months before Sherri Dally was killed. The handwritten letter is expected to be read to jurors today before defense attorneys begin calling witnesses. The following excerpt from the 10-page letter is reproduced here as it was written:


To my Hawiin Mike,

I love you more than I can ever say or show because you are blinded right now--confussed. You used to warn me about guys like this. I thought you were too smart to let a female sweet talk you into giving up your family. . . . How could you want to be with someone who cares so little about breaking up a family--loving home--a wife who has built her whole life around you. . . . Michael your not in love your in LUST--she has you wraped around her finger. She doesn’t even begin to love you or do for you as I do. . . .

You need to give me a quality chance to let my love in without the shadow of her lust . . . give me that chance without her in your life, Michael, I do anything for you, but I don’t know how you can ask me to share you because I can’t share you with another female.


Please--Michael don’t do this to us let her go. I can’t say it enough Michael--my love comes from within. . . .

Michael, I had believed you when you said you came home to be with me to let me show my love to you. I have not changed since you’ve been home. I don’t know how to share you. I don’t understand how you can ask me too.

You can’t have both of us at the same time Michael and as hard as this is to say--saying it is killing me inside but I don’t know what else to do. . . .

You need to make a choice, are you going to give up everything here for her? How do you know she won’t change once I’m not in the picture? I love you Michael [and] I know you love me or you wouldn’t have come home. . . .

Michael, I hope you know how hard it is for me to say this. You need to make a choice. You can’t have the both of two worlds. Your mixed up Michael, but you need to sort out what you want. . . .

I don’t think you staying here while you are lusting her is the right thing to do for me or the boys. You need a mutual place, moving in with her isn’t right either. This is so hard to say. You need to decide in the next couple of weeks if you want to continue to see her and if so than you need to leave. I give you six months from when you leave to decide what you want. . . . You may come and visit the boys and take them for the day but if you living with her their will not be any over nite stays. Your visits should be without her. Michael I don’t know how to make love to you and her at the same time. You are asking me to do the hardest thing possible by not making love to you if you leave because I know how much that means to you. . . .


Michael she has you wrapped around her finger. Shake her loose. Let her go. Anybody whos asking you to give up your family isn’t anybody. . . .

I love you

Would I be going through all of this if I truely didn’t?

Love your little Lady, Your true Lady.
