
Questions Remain in Death of Gunman in Shootout


Police said Monday that they are still unsure whether the gunman who died in a Mar Vista shootout last week killed himself or was killed by officers.

Santa Monica resident Stephan Michael Ream, 47, was holed up in a stolen motor home when he shot and wounded Los Angeles Police Officer Darius Lee on Thursday.

A gun battle ensued, and Ream was found dead in the vehicle about 10:30 a.m., almost three hours after the incident began.


Lee was treated for a graze wound on his head at UCLA Medical Center and released, said Officer Angela Grant.

Grant said she had no estimate of when the investigation of Ream’s death would be completed.

She said the Los Angeles County coroner was seeking help from the public Monday in locating Ream’s next of kin. Anyone with information should call the coroner’s office at (213) 343-0714.
