
School Official Returning After Falling Ill in Japan

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Fullerton school board Trustee Marjorie B. Pogue is coming home Friday after a lengthy hospital stay in Japan.

Pogue, a board member of the Fullerton-based Sister City Assn., arrived in Fukui, Japan, on July 24. She was chaperoning a group of junior high school students as part of an educational exchange program sponsored by the nonprofit organization, and was supposed to return in early August.

But Pogue, 69, suffered from a severe case of possible food poisoning and underwent surgery in a Japanese hospital. While there, she received more than 100 cards and computer messages from well-wishers.


She is being released today and will board a plane back to the United States.

Her colleagues voted Tuesday to give her a 90-day leave of absence, retroactive to July 24. The leave will give her time to recuperate before she returns to her trustee duties.
