
Southland Home Sales Stay Strong in August


Sales of all homes in Southern California rose 11.9% from the same month last year to 22,439 properties, according to Acxiom/DataQuick Information Systems. Prices in the six-county region also rose, with the median price increasing 4.3% from the same month last year to $168,000. It was the largest year-over-year increase since July 1991, when the median rose 4.5%, according to Acxiom/DataQuick. Los Angeles County posted the biggest regional gain in home values, with the median price jumping 6.1% to $173,000. In the Inland Empire, where home values have remained flat despite a regionwide recovery, August saw the median increase 4.8% in Riverside County, to $130,000, and 4.1% in San Bernardino, to $126,000.
