
Long Beach Council OKs $1.7-Billion Budget


The Long Beach City Council has approved a $1.7-billion combined municipal budget that calls for a large increase in parking fines and the use of $25.2 million in emergency reserves to offset a gaping deficit.

Under the budget, approved late Tuesday night, the fine for exceeding time limits on parking meters will jump from $17 to $27. The fine for parking in a no-parking zone would rise from $25 to $37.

The increase in fines and use of reserves was needed to offset a $32.1-million deficit. The budget will take effect Oct. 1.


City Manager James C. Hankla said that although most revenue sources in Long Beach were growing, they were not rising fast enough to offset a steep decline in property values and the continued effects of the recession.

The city’s key general purpose portion of the 1997-98 budget, which includes spending on police and fire services, will be $307 million, just one-half of 1% higher than the current budget.
