
Canoe Sculpture May Float Over Downtown


The City Council will consider a project Monday to decorate the new downtown parking structure with solar-powered, illuminated sculptures of a Chumash canoe.

Ventura’s Art in Public Places Committee unanimously approved spending $80,000--10% of its $800,000 of public art funds--on the modern sculpture project last month.

The project must receive council approval because it costs more than $25,000. The sculpture was designed by Blue McRight of Inglewood. If it is approved, a 31-foot Chumash canoe of perforated steel and two 22-foot double-bladed paddles will hang on the garage’s 54-foot south wall, which runs along Santa Clara Street.


The substance of the sculpture will allow light to shine through, casting shadows onto the wall at night.

In addition, two paddle-shaped lighting elements will project from the wall at the pedestrian entrance on the northeast side of the building.
