
Schillo’s Car Plan for Needy Worth a Try


I was disappointed that The Times took such a jaundiced view of Supervisor Frank Schillo’s plan for providing personal transportation to some of those moving from welfare to work. A lack of transportation, along with child care, is one of the major problems facing anyone entering the job market.

Schillo has shown the courage to initiate a truly innovative approach to solving this problem.

Far from being a giveaway, the program provides a lesson in responsibility while enabling the recipient to enter the work force--and stay there. Anyone who has ever attempted to maintain a normal work schedule with either no automobile or an unreliable one can readily understand the necessity for addressing this problem.


Schillo ought to be commended for this bold attempt.

Is this idea of providing reliable transportation on an individual basis a solution for everyone? No, but this is not the point. The fact is, it could be extremely effective in the appropriate situation.

Moving people from welfare to work is not an easy task. If we are to succeed, we must be willing to look afresh at all possibilities. Schillo was willing to put a new idea on the table and into action. For that, he should be given credit. At the very least, we should not be afraid to try it.

The Times may be surprised--it just might work.

JONATHAN SHARKEY, Mayor pro tempore, City of Port Hueneme
