
Bill Lockyer


George Skelton’s admiration of state Sen. Bill Lockyer’s behavior--”He . . . can be a bully, the characteristic of a very good legislative leader”--is at best depressing and at worst disgusting (Capitol Journal, Sept. 18). Skelton’s position on the “folly of term limits” is based on the alleged merits of experience. If I read his article correctly, Lockyer has been an elected official since he was 32, giving him an overload of experience in politics and zero experience in real life. What he does have, after 24 years in the Legislature, is influence and power.

I might be naive, but I think our country was formed to get away from power. Politicians were envisioned as patriots who were willing to sacrifice a “limited” amount of time to serve their country, not as young people looking for a lifetime career in influence peddling and back-room bullying.


Los Angeles
