
L. A. Secession? The Valley wants to...


L. A. Secession? The Valley wants to secede from L. A., right? Well, who says L. A. wants the Valley to stay put? Councilwoman Laura Chick, above, who favors a vote on the issue but not secession itself, says her council colleagues have jokingly told her that perhaps, just perhaps, “the city will vote to get rid of us.”

* HAZARDS ALLEGED: More than 40 people who live near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory filed a lawsuit contending their property was poisoned by “ultrahazardous activities” at the site. B8

* PARK REBORN: Burbank today will dedicate a refurbished park that includes a $1.1-million tennis center. B1


* JEWISH DEBATE: Conservative, Orthodox and Reform temples in the Calabasas area have banded together against a newcomer--a Jewish congregation that sees Jesus as the Messiah. B1
