
Coyotes Suspend Tkachuk

Associated Press

The Phoenix Coyotes suspended captain Keith Tkachuk after Tkachuk, the first American-born player to lead the NHL in goals, refused to play without a renegotiated contract.

“We were light years apart on a contract, so he will be suspended now, and we’ll see what happens from here,” General Manager Bobby Smith said.

Tkachuk, who is to be paid $2.8 million this season, will not be paid during the holdout--losing about $13,800 a day--once the regular season begins.



The Ottawa Senators and Daniel Alfredsson, the 1995-96 NHL rookie of the years, are so far apart in contract negotiations that General Manager Pierre Gauthier said, “We’ve hit the point of no return. The guy’s not going to play this year.” Alfredsson earned $340,000 last season and the Senators are believed to have offered him a five-year deal worth about $10 million. . . . Pittsburgh center Stu Barnes was suspended, without pay, for four games by the NHL as a result of a slash against Boston Bruin prized rookie Joe Thornton on Sept. 23. Barnes also was fined $1,000, the maximum allowed under the collective bargaining agreement. . . . Center Mike Modano signed a one-year contract with the Dallas Stars, reportedly for $3.5 million.
