
Voter Registration Countdown


One of the posters used by the secretary of state’s office to promote voter registration features seven words in white letters against a black background: “Mumble. Grumble. Complain. Wallow. Hope. Despair. Worry.”

At the bottom of the poster is an eighth word: “Vote.”

The office of Secretary of State Bill Jones distributed the poster and other voter-outreach materials Monday in urging eligible Californians to make certain they are registered to vote in the June 2 primary election. The deadline for registering is next Monday. Forms are available at various government offices, including county registrars of voters and the Department of Motor Vehicles. Information can be obtained by calling (800) 345-VOTE.

Jones noted that this primary will be special for Californians because they will be able to vote for any candidate of any party. More important, it will be the first time that nearly 2 million independent voters--formally known as “decline to state”--can cast ballots for partisan candidates in a primary election. Up to now, they could vote only on ballot measures and for candidates for nonpartisan office.


Anyone not registered has just five business days to sign up; if they fail to do it they will be left out of the primary balloting. For those who just don’t get around to it, or plain forget, here are a few more poster words:

Didn’t Register? Can’t Vote. Don’t Whine.
