
Arts and Science


Just read K.C. Cole’s interesting article, “Why the Arts Are Important to Science” (Aug. 13). Why is it so astonishing and such a revelation when we discover over and over again that a successful human is made of a perfect integration of mind and body, brain and hand, logic and intuition, art and science, etc.? Opposites? Conflicting concepts? No way. Simply the remarkable complexity of the human animal. So why fight it? It’s always a losing battle.

Accept the fact: Art is an integral and important part of us, yes, Western technological rationalist persons though we be. And an enlightened government would reflect this understanding through adequate and enthusiastic funding instead of niggardly and reluctant handouts.


Los Angeles


Cheers to Cole. The importance of the arts to science cannot be disregarded or forgotten. I would like to add one more important point. The issue of risk-taking is part of creativity without which no original work can be conceived. Artistic exploration is quite like traveling without a road map in unknown territories. All scientific discoveries involve courage and a chance of failure. The same is true for the creation of all artistic masterpieces. It is important to teach our young people that one must keep an open mind, listen to inner intuitions and be fearless if one is to truly create or discover.



Sherman Oaks
