
U.S. Bombings


Before Thursday, all the conservatives were complaining because President Clinton wasn’t doing anything about the most recent terrorist attacks. After Thursday, all the conservatives were complaining because Clinton is doing something about the most recent terrorist attacks.

Before last Monday, all the right-wingers were clucking because Clinton hadn’t confessed his sins in public. After his speech, all the right-wingers were clucking because Clinton had confessed his sins in public, just not the way they wanted him to (i.e., down on all fours, barking like a dog).

Since the day he first took office, it’s been obvious the only thing that will satisfy the vast right-wing conspiracy is marching down Pennsylvania Avenue with Clinton’s head on a stick, the results of two elections be damned. Given that, instead of talking about “wagging the dog,” shouldn’t we be talking about coup d’etat?



San Francisco


Even before this latest fiasco, I was proposing that the Democrats start impeachment proceedings against Clinton for giving aid and comfort to the Republicans. Now it looks like he has gone further right than anyone could have imagined and put himself entirely into the hands of the hawks.

“When will they ever learn?” Shades of Iraq and other military so-called solutions to complex problems (much of the complexity in this case being due to the U.S. giving military goods and advice to the Afghans in their recent dispute with Russia). At least in the case of Iraq, the raids were against the head of the government of that country. Not so with Afghanistan. Bill should go back to his vacation and endure Hillary’s military strikes instead of diverting attention by pandering to the public’s baser instincts, e.g., desire for revenge.


San Dimas


Sens. Dan Coats (R-Ind.) and Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) are a disgrace to the Senate. The partisan rhetoric they spouted, while questioning the president’s motives for bombing known terrorist enclaves, was disgusting.

They made reckless and inflammatory comments when they had few, if any, details regarding the situation. The fact that they questioned the legitimacy of the operation before knowing any of the specifics demonstrates the fact that these men are unfit to hold public office.




Clinton’s orders to initiate military attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan do not so much parallel the story line of “Wag the Dog” as they do (the biblical) King David’s effort to hide his sin by sending Uriah to his death. Clinton’s actions are pique to a zealous Muslim world eager to honor new martyrs. I’m certain that some young men now serving their country in the armed forces will suffer Uriah’s fate.


West Covina


Re Afghanistan and Sudan: Finally we’ve hit the terrorists where they live! By the way, what ever happened to Grenada?



Santa Monica
