
Free Shots, Screenings Offered at Health Fair


Providing free immunizations, health screenings and entertainment, Valley Presbyterian Hospital will hold its second annual Back to School Health Education Fair on Saturday.

“We’re really trying to encourage a healthy atmosphere, trying to get parents and children to work together for preventive health care--not just going to the doctor when they feel sick,” said hospital spokeswoman Tiffany De Vall. “We try to have the fair before school starts so that it encourages the children to get the immunizations.”

Schools throughout Los Angeles County require that all children be immunized prior to the first day of classes, De Vall said.


While the prospect of getting stuck with a needle may not please children, the fact that the hospital is offering free immunizations against Hepatitis B, polio, diphtheria, measles, mumps and other diseases should please parents.

The hospital will also offer hearing, vision and dental checks, as well as diabetes screenings. Lectures on back-to-school nutrition, bicycle safety and positive study habits will also be given.

The Los Angeles Fire Department will teach fire and earthquake safety with the Quakey Shakey van, promote its Drug Abuse Resistance Education program and offer free fingerprinting.

For entertainment, participants can have their face painted and jump on a moon bounce.

Council members Richard Alarcon and Cindy Miscikowski and about 900 families are expected at the event, De Vall said.

The health fair will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, in front of the hospital at 15107 Vanowen St.
