
He Says Brain-Typing Is Wave of the Future


I have read the statements attributed to a Dr. Art Olguin, PhD, [Viewpoint, Aug. 15] refuting the value of “brain-typing” and that said claims, printed in your Aug. 9 article, “are better placed in the trash bin of pseudo science.” I find it difficult to believe that a PhD would write such a letter without investigating carefully the claims made by Jon Niednagel in comparison to the statements made by writers.

There are owners of athletic teams that are paying athletes many millions of dollars based upon brain-typing who are ready to stand up and tell the world that brain-typing is a superior predictor of success over the normal techniques utilized by today’s pro scouts. These owners aren’t writing letters to the editors, they’re writing large checks to athletes.

As for my personal experience, I subjected 104 students to brain-type interviews and Jon Niednagel accurately predicted performance styles and success for 103 subjects.



Coto de Caza
