
RSA Data to Announce Deal With Cable Labs

<i> Reuters</i>

RSA Data Security, a unit of Bedford, Mass.-based Security Dynamics Inc., is expected to announce today a deal with Cable Television Labs to make future cable services, including high-speed Internet access, more secure. A spokeswoman for Redwood City-based RSA said the encryption software company plans to announce a pact with Cable Television Labs, in which RSA will provide a new security infrastructure for cable-TV systems operators. A spokesman for Cable Television Labs, a consortium of about 70 cable television systems operators, declined to comment on any impending announcement. The consortium represents about 85% of the cable subscribers in the U.S., 70% of the subscribers in Canada, and 5% to 10% of the subscribers in Mexico. Cable Labs funds research and development projects and transfers those technologies to member companies, including Tele-Communications Inc., Time Warner Inc., Comcast Corp. and others.
