
Assembly Vote on Smoking in Bars


Re “‘Assembly Moves to Lift Smoking Ban,” Jan. 29: I can’t believe it! What have we got in Sacramento? A bunch of wimps? I just do not understand the stance that they have taken on smoking in bars. I have waited years to go see some of the greatest jazz musicians, but the smoking in most of the places they play has precluded that. Now that I have the opportunity, they are going to lift the ban.

I certainly hope that the state Senate has more sense than the Assembly. Nonsmokers outnumber smokers almost 3 to 1--that’s a pretty big deficit when it comes to election time. Think long and hard on this one, folks. It will be a cold day in bars before I go in one again if the smoking ban is lifted. It worked for the restaurants, and it will work for the bars, given the chance. I hope that the nonsmoking public will come out in arms on this one.


Long Beach


The smoking ban in California bars has been a great success. As an asthmatic, I’m so glad I can now go to bars and nightclubs and actually be able to see through the veil of smoke. Let’s hope the state Senate has enough respect for the health of Californians to kill the bill repealing the smoking ban.



Long Beach
