
Overtime Pay Law Repealed


Re “Overtime Law Repeal Hits Some Doubly,” Feb. 5:

The California Legislature, Gov. Pete Wilson and any employers who take advantage of the repeal should be doubly ashamed of themselves. Does California really want employers who would work their employees for unconscionable amounts of overtime without just compensation? How will California attract good workers?

As one who is often required to work long hours and, at times, seven days a week, I can confirm that the only thing that keeps the attitude productive and alert is the knowledge that the compensation for time away from family and rest is well compensated.

This was a terrible provision in a bad law! Thank God for union contracts.



* So, the Republicans have done it. While all of us have raptly watched to see whether or not Bill Clinton is really the sleaze they’ve always claimed him to be, the real sleazes have stolen our money.


As of Jan. 1, they have sneaked by us a repeal of our overtime pay.

All people who work for an hourly wage doing skilled labor just took a hit in the pocketbook. Employers can now work us 10, 12 (heck, why not 20?) hours and pay us one flat rate. Why bring us in for two days when you can get that same work done in one and pay the same wages? With no incentive to keep our hours down, who would want to? With no fanfare or fight, they have stolen our money.

When all those people crying for Clinton’s resignation figure out who the real scoundrels are, they will stop voting Republican and instead vote to save their children’s futures.


Van Nuys
