
Traveler’s Notes . . .


Reno Air has begun flying between Orange County’s John Wayne Airport and Las Vegas. One-way fares for the thrice-daily nonstop flights vary between $48 and $99, depending on availability and how far in advance the tickets are bought, a spokesman said. . . . The annual Carnival in Mazatlan, one of Mexico’s largest, marks its 100th anniversary Thursday through Feb. 24, with fireworks, parades and other festivities. Information: telephone (800)-44-MEXICO. . . . Construction delays have forced the new RiverBarge Excursion Lines to postpone the debut of the R/B River Explorer, which will ply the Mississippi and other waters, from July 4 to Aug. 22. Information: tel. (888) 282-1945. . . . Looking for excitement? You’ve got company. Forty percent of leisure travelers find hiking and outdoor adventure extremely desirable and are interested in remote, untouched destinations, according to a recent survey by Yesawich, Pepperdine and Brown/Yankelovich Partners. . . . On Feb. 25, caricatures and cartoons take another leap into respectability when the Thomas Jefferson Building at the Library of Congress opens the Swann Gallery devoted to those arts. The inaugural exhibit, through July 6, features works by everyone from Thomas Nast to Garry Trudeau. Admission is free, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. . . . Attention, rich bargain hunters: Amid Asia’s economic meltdown, Eastern & Oriental Express is discounting some luxury rail routes by 35% on new bookings in February and March. So, for instance, a state compartment on a two-night Singapore-Bangkok trip will cost $1,300 instead of $2,030. Information: tel. (800) 524-2420.
