
Farmland’s Future Is Anyone’s Guess


Re: “The Options--and Price--for Saving Farmland” (Dec. 28):

It is apparent from a review of all four scenarios that they are like proposed Hollywood movie scripts. That is, they are fiction, based on assumptions, projections, predicted trends and guesses.

No one can predict, and there is no guarantee what the politicians, cities or the public will do in the next 32 years.

After all, it is a political fact of life that on any given Tuesday morning any three of the five county supervisors can vote what they want and change the course of Ventura County. They have that power now and they will probably have it in the future.


It is also obvious that the results of any of the scenarios can be manipulated by just making different assumptions or mixing assumptions between scenarios.

This writer assumes that scenario A is patterned somewhat after the proposed SOAR public initiative. If so, it is the only one of the four scenarios that strips the land-use decision powers from the politicians. It would make the chosen agricultural policy a “law” with somewhat of an implied guarantee (not subject to the whims of three supervisors over the next 32 years).


