
Clinton Offers Aid to Ailing King

<i> Associated Press</i>

President Clinton has offered the services of his own physician to Jordan’s King Hussein, who said this week that he may have lymphoma.

Clinton spoke with Hussein over the weekend, said White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry, and told him that he would make his personal physician available for contact with the king’s physician, Dr. Samir Farraj.

Hussein is undergoing tests at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and is expected to remain there for three more weeks. He disclosed the possible lymphoma in a letter to his brother, Crown Prince Hassan, that was read Tuesday on national television in Jordan.


Clinton asked his internist, Dr. Connie Mariano, to be available for consultations and to make other physicians available, McCurry said.

Hussein, 62, was admitted to the Mayo Clinic on July 14 after suffering fever and cold sweats. He has had regular medical checkups there since 1992, when he underwent surgery at the clinic to remove cancerous tissue from his ureter and left kidney.
