
Beach Cleanup, Street Festival Set for Today

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Several thousand people are expected to attend the Santa Monica BayKeeper’s 3rd annual KelpFest and BayWalk today to raise awareness of beach and ocean restoration projects.

At 9 a.m., participants in the 5-K and 10-K BayWalk will be given breakfast, gloves and bags and will pick up garbage along the shore between the Santa Monica and Venice piers, said Terry Tamminen, director of BayKeeper.

The KelpFest, which will begin at 11 a.m. on Main Street, will celebrate the importance of kelp, which is a major producer of the world’s oxygen, he said.


The festival will feature food and products made with the plant, such as chocolate bars, cake mix, toothpaste and shampoo. Entertainment will include live music, Hawaiian dancers and drum groups.

Both events are free. Information: (800) HELPBAY.
