
Conference Looks at Content and Kids

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Representatives from the Clinton administration, entertainment and computer industry leaders, kids, teachers and others are gathering Wednesday through Friday for the Conference on Digital Media Content for Children and Teens. The event is the third in the White House Internet Summit 1998 series.

The conference will feature panel discussions, breakout sessions and software demonstrations. Vice President Al Gore is tentatively set to give the keynote address.

The gathering, at the L.A. Airport Hilton and Towers, is hosted by USC’s Annenberg Center for Communications and the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration. For information, call (213) 743-1759 or visit, which will also have Webcasts of the panels.



* Take the Pledge: You may not have actually said the Pledge of Allegiance since sixth grade, but Sunday is a great time to get reacquainted with it. That’s Flag Day, and the National Flag Day Foundation urges you to take just a couple of minutes that day to say the pledge. The group, which is “committed to educating Americans on the history and the origin of the flag, as well as those major historical events that have made this a great nation of diverse peoples and cultures,” is online at The site has songs and a planner for those who want to start a Flag Day event in their community.

You can see a virtual flag waving around while the “Star-Spangled Banner” plays, at The site also has a history of the Stars and Stripes and flag activities.

* Keeping the Flame Alive: On June 12, 1963, civil rights leader Medgar Evers was shot and killed in front of his home in Jackson, Miss. The Tribute to Medgar Evers site ( has a profile, speech transcripts and audio files of the Mississippi field secretary for the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People. The site also has a Human Being of the Week, which is based on the previous week’s events and is given to someone who has “walked in the footsteps of Evers, with regard to issues of racial equality, justice and peace.” For a more detailed biography, check out


* How to Enter the Hall of Fame: Fifty-nine years ago this month, the National Baseball Hall of Fame was dedicated in Cooperstown, N.Y. You may not be able to make it all the way to Cooperstown, but you can go to the official Web site ( Check out the Hall of Fame Library, peruse the Hall of Fame Gallery and exhibits, get the latest news and find out why they chose Cooperstown.

* Past Panthers: It was one year ago this week that former Black Panther Geronimo Pratt was released on bail after 27 years in prison for what Pratt and others maintain were trumped-up murder charges. You can check out the Black Panther Primer at It has a brief overview of the party, document archives and links. Bobby Seale, the founding chairman of the Black Panther Party, has his own Web site. You can read a message from him as well as check out what he’s up to lately. It’s at


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