
Blaze Destroys Woman’s Trailer

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A 24-foot travel trailer where a woman lived was destroyed in a fire Wednesday afternoon, according to the Ventura Fire Department.

Resident Phyllis Porter, who was described as a senior citizen, was not at home when the fire was spotted at her unit in the Ventura Avenue Trailer Park at 21 Pine St., said Battalion Chief Brian Gordon.

Porter was told about the fire by the manager of the trailer park and was expected to stay with family or friends, according fire officials. Red Cross officials were not requested.


Neighbors in the trailer park first spotted heavy smoke about 2 p.m. Several neighbors used garden hoses to control the spread of the blaze until firefighters arrived.

The cause was unknown but it was believed to be accidental, Gordon said.

Firefighters said the trailer was filled with Porter’s belongings, which were valued at $5,000. The damage to the travel trailer was estimated at $3,000.
