
“A Year to Live” By Stephen Levine Sounds True Audio; Two cassettes Length: 3 hours$18.95 Read by the author Available in bookstores or call (800) 333-9185

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The founder of New York City’s first hospice and the author of several books about dying, Levine and his wife spent one year living as if they had no more ahead of them. Many, though not all of his ideas are mired in Eastern, especially Buddhist, philosophy.

He has many positive ideas to approaching life with gratitude and awareness. He also cites cases of people who completely changed their lives when they discovered they were living with serious illness.

Pretty New Age music at the beginning and end of each cassette enhances the audio.

Levine’s writing style may be clear and concise, but his narrative style is rather dry. This means your mind may wander occasionally, even if you are enjoying what he has to say.
