
Jobs and Housing


Re “Plans for Jobs, Housing Are at Odds,” March 10:

Mayor Richard Riordan appears to believe that the creation of jobs and the creation of affordable housing are mutually exclusive--that you cannot do both at the same time. I find this position absurd. The creation of affordable housing creates jobs, both in the short and long term.

Construction jobs are created immediately, as well as building management and maintenance jobs in the long run. The local economy is stimulated by the expenditure of housing dollars, which also creates jobs. Ultimately, tenants who spend a smaller proportion of their income on rent will have a greater amount of disposable income each month, which will in turn stimulate the local economy.

I am a teacher and see the impact that this city’s affordable housing crisis has on its poor children. My students live in overcrowded apartments because their parents, mainly minimum-wage workers, cannot afford Los Angeles rents. The mayor must make the creation of affordable housing a priority.



Los Angeles
