
Real Estate Trends

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Median Home Price--Resale (in thousands of dollars)


Latest Previous Year Date period period ago Los Angeles County Jan $170.6 $176.9 $166.6 Orange County Jan 239.6 238.1 213.7 San Diego County Jan 191.6 171.8 176.5 Ventura County Jan 219.2 225.7 212.8 Riverside/San Bernardino Jan 118.0 114.3 110.0


Affordability Index (as percentage of households able to afford median price)


Latest Previous Year Date period period ago Los Angeles County Jan 41% 39% 42% Orange County Jan 39 38 41 San Diego County Jan 39 39 39 Ventura County Jan 45 42 41 Riverside/San Bernardino Jan 67 58 58


Housing Permits (single family)


Latest Previous Year Date period period ago Los Angeles County Jan 513 439 547 Orange County Jan 432 494 427 San Diego County Jan 498 706 407 Ventura County Jan 175 203 61 Riverside/San Bernardino Jan 949 1,017 811



* Data for Southland consumer price index and for all charts includes Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties. All CPI data is based on an index; 1982-84=100.

Sources: California Assn. of Realtors, Construction Industry Research Board.
