
Private Schools


Yearly Enrollment Comparison

The percentage of California students opting to attend private schools followed national trends downward during the 1980s but has remained about the same for the past decade. Californians are less likely than students nationwide to attend private schools, The rate in Los Angeles County exceeds both the state and national averages.

Public school enrollment as a percentage of total enrollment in L.A. County in comparison with the state and the nation.

L.A. County private school enrollment

National private school enrollment

State private school enrollment


Notes: State enrollment years of ‘90-91 through ‘95-96, includes only private schools with six or more students. the private school enrollment figures for years 1981-82, 1984 and 1986 are estimated. The 1987 private school enrollment numbers are taken from the Private School Survey. Private school enrollment figures for grades K-8 and 9-12 for the years 1988-93 are estimated from the K-12 totals. projections are based on data through 1993. Enrollment figures may not add to totals due to rounding.


Sources: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, L.A. County Office of Education-- Communications Dept., Educational Demographics Unit Research, Evaluation and Technology Division July 1996, CBEDS, California Department of Finance.
