
James Carville


Arianna Huffington (Column Right, May 17) criticized James Carville for saying things about Kenneth Starr without one iota of evidence on any of his accusations. This is the same Arianna that made charges against President Clinton on a TV program and, when asked where she got the facts from, replied “the New York Times.”




Huffington must have been wearing blinders when she wrote her column on White House spinning. Her essay should have been about spinning encompassing all parties, not just the Democrats. To focus on Carville and Mike McCurry ignores the “spin stars” of the other party.

Spinning is the mother’s milk of the entire political system. Arianna intentionally avoids the very expert Republican/conservative spin team, which includes Mary Matalin, Bay Buchanan, Susan Carpenter-McMillan, Rush Limbaugh and the creator of them all, the late Lee Atwater. The list is endless.


To throw Joseph Goebbels name into this Democrat spin essay is shameful. Goebbels’ favorite policy was having families expose each other. Sound familiar? How about Kenneth Starr forcing Marcia Lewis to testify against her daughter, Monica Lewinsky?




Arianna’s spinning memory is conveniently short when she ignores that she--the spin- meister--worked the press with avoidance, dissemblance and outright lies while running . . . oops, when she had her then-husband running for elective office in California. Was she a member of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness? Did she employ an illegal alien and not pay Social Security? Did she worship at the clay feet of Newt Gingrich, only to abandon him for greener pastures? Her spinning made a tornado look like balmy weather.

Huffington wastes her abundant gifts on the altar of ambition. What is her ambition? To be famous at any cost.


Los Angeles
