
Community Name Change

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My family moved into a comfortable home in 1972, which we described to friends as a “nice little part” of Van Nuys--a quiet residential area of homes west of the 405 [Freeway], near Birmingham High School, Balboa Park, four golf courses and now, a man-made Lake Balboa.

Something terrible has happened in the past 26 years. We have lost our community identity. Today, Van Nuys is not a name that my family and neighbors are proud to call home. The name conjures up gangs and violence, and statistics show that Van Nuys has one of the high rates of crime in California. Yet it is remarkable that our little part of Van Nuys has not fallen prey to urban decadence and, according to the LAPD, has one of the lowest crime rates.

Recently, I found a growing group of concerned folks who feel as I do and would like to rename our part of the world Lake Balboa. Over 700 have signed a petition and sent it to our councilwoman seeking her support. This was a topic of discussion at a Neighborhood Watch meeting. Laura Chick knew about the meeting and one of her assistants had agreed to meet with us.


About 80 citizens showed up only to be told that a prior commitment would cause her to miss the meeting. Rather, we were read a letter by Chick stating her blanket opposition to her constituents’ wishes.

Chick has shown her disdain by not speaking to us personally, or at least through an aide. Our councilwoman is being unresponsive and aloof. I resent that and will remind my friends during the next election. Our group is motivated and will move forward, with or without Chick’s support. Last time I looked, she works for us.

