
Child Pornography

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Mark Fritz and Solomon Moore write in the article “Child Porn Raids Lead to Suicide” (Oct. 23) that suicide victim [Kenneth] Nighbert’s attorney, Rick Berne, believes his client is “facing too harsh a penalty.” The article feels slanted. Somehow The Times authors would like us to feel sorry for these poor, pitiful cyber users that commit suicide for being caught with kiddy porn. Somehow this article leads us to think it might be really unfair that their homes can be taken from them as part of the punishment.

Folks, these people are every bit as dangerous as molesters, for they are the market. Without the market there would be no predators. Obviously The Times authors have no comprehension or understanding of the irrevocable damage, the pain, the lifelong struggle the victims of sexual child abuse face. Suicide is not enough punishment for the perpetrators and / or users of this grotesque sickness, kiddy porn. Suicide is merely an easy way out of facing the piper for committing the worst kind of cowardice and crime on this planet: the manipulation and exploitation of precious children.

PARK OVERALL, North Hollywood
