
Election Results

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The Republicans apparently have become a party of angry old white men. I am one of them. Clearly we will not win elections with this limited constituency.

May I offer some suggestions:

1. Replace Newt Gingrich as speaker--he is too mean and is a big negative to the party.

2. Adopt a pro-choice stance on abortion and stand up to the religious right. In states such as California, the perception that the Christian Coalition is pulling Republican levers is making us unelectable.

3. Perhaps blacks have written us off, but make an immediate move to give Hispanics and women some senior positions in the party. Take visible steps to court Hispanics, women and all minorities into the party. Stop saying the party is inclusive when it is not.


4. Reduce big government, cut taxes, improve education and provide incentives for people to work.


Pacific Palisades


I find it pretty funny that Gingrich is “puzzled” by the election results. He seems to think that the Republicans were voted in because people liked their program. It was probably more of a backlash against gridlock. Now he doesn’t even have a program, unless he thinks that prying into the president’s private life, hoping to find something impeachable, is a valid legislative agenda. Wake up, Newt! Out here in the real world, voters have genuine issues.


Los Angeles


In 1991 the Democratic Party had 267 seats in the House, the Republicans held only 167. In the Senate the Democrats had a 56 to 44 advantage. Since Bill Clinton was elected, the Democrats dropped to 206 seats in the House and 45 in the Senate.


With the recent gain of five seats for the Democrats in the House, I was not surprised to hear of challenges to the Republican leadership. I am surprised that with the enormous Democratic losses since 1992 the rank and file have not come to realize how bad Clinton has been for the Democratic Party.




I have a retort to Al Gore and the Democrats’ campaign mantra about the Republicans’ desire to “instigate and investigate.” In light of the overwhelmingly Democrat victory in the California races, may I say that it is the Democrats who want to confiscate, taxate, castigate, profligate and of course deviate! The voters of California have spoken and I will try hard not to eat horse meat, lest I become a felon. Gee, if only intellectual dishonesty was a crime, then the liberals would all be felons.


Anaheim Hills


It appears the moral majority was just a figment of the GOP’s imagination.


Santa Maria


After the drab cacophony of endless election night jabber, months of coverage of childish presidential interns and otherwise responsible adults arguing over when sex isn’t sex, the election of Jesse “The Body” Ventura as governor of Minnesota was all the proof I needed that Americans haven’t lost their sense of humor or their capacity to balance the books.



Los Angeles
