
Lots of Good Seats Available on 7-0 Bruins’ Bandwagon

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It seems that loyal Daily Bruin writers Bill Plaschke and Chris Dufresne are disappointed that UCLA dropped out of the critical top two poll positions after narrowly escaping from Oregon and lowly Stanford.

Perhaps this is not all bad, in that UCLA will be spared the annual embarrassment of only having a few hundred fans willing to spend money to attend out-of-town bowl games, and having to resort to begging for ticket welfare again from the Pac-10. These cheapskates apparently wouldn’t even buy gas for the long trip to Pasadena for the last Rose Bowl, and didn’t buy their allotment for that game, although the loyal Wisconsin fans, who exceeded their allotment, would gladly have bought them.

At least now the championship game will be well attended.


Playa del Rey


Let me start by giving credit where credit is due. Cade McNown is the best quarterback that college football has seen in a long time, but UCLA as a team is overrated. The Bruin offense is fairly solid, but their defense is filled with a shallow squad of misfits that an average high school team could score on. They were simply outplayed at home by Oregon and the mighty powerhouse of Stanford. The simple truth is, UCLA is a one-man show that even the remarkable talents of Cade McNown can’t save.


It is a dangerous thing for a team to confuse luck as fate. Even more so to forget what it is like to lose. On Nov. 21, UCLA will be reminded.


Temple City


Unbeaten UCLA attracted 64,000 last Saturday. Struggling SC drew 62,000 without freebies the same day. Who says tradition doesn’t mean anything?


La Crescenta
