
Catholic Talk Radio to Launch Programs


The fledgling Catholic Radio Network will launch its conservative talk radio programs Dec. 1 on stations in seven U.S. cities, including Los Angeles (KPLS-AM 830), where a spokesman said the signal will become one of the area’s strongest by late next year.

The network, which hoped to buy 10 stations from the Children’s Broadcasting Network for $57 million, finally settled for seven of the stations for $37 million in a deal completed Nov. 6, said network chief executive John Lynch of San Diego.

“We were squeezed by a credit crunch when the market was down several weeks ago,” said Lynch, adding that the privately funded company plans to buy more stations.


One of the purchased stations is in the Milwaukee area, where Catholic Archbishop Rembert Weakland said last summer that its conservative-oriented presence was unwelcome. A spokesman for Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony also expressed concern over whether “intra-church squabbles” might be aired by talk show hosts and callers of a traditionalist perspective.

Lynch said the controversy has subsided. “I think everybody came around to waiting to hear what we have to say before they pat us on the back or criticize us,” he said.

The network--soon to be renamed Catholic Family Radio--also bought stations in Minneapolis, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia and Kansas City, Mo.
