
Lewinsky Tapes

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I always figured that this whole thing was much ado about a private affair between two consenting adults. But now that I’ve heard the tapes, it’s clear to me that Monica Lewinsky is an adolescent in an adult’s body and that she was horribly used by two so-called adults whom she looked up to and who should have known better. Bill Clinton’s behavior with Lewinsky was selfish and ugly. Linda Tripp’s behavior was downright evil.



Watching the Republican pundits guffaw and gloat as the Tripp tapes were repeatedly played on Nov. 17, I began to suspect that I must be watching a new “Dumb and Dumber” movie. Hadn’t the American public just given the Republicans a big thumbs down following their dumb decision to dump Kenneth Starr’s pornography collection into our living rooms? Maybe so, but apparently the GOP leadership wants to prove it can be even dumber by now subjecting us to the Tripp tapes.

Incredibly, Republicans seem to believe that once we listen to the Svengali-like Tripp manipulate the pathetically clueless Monica, we will also become obsessed with the president’s sex life. I don’t think so.




In regard to “Time to Get Ready for All Monica All the Time” (Commentary, Nov. 18), contrary to Bill Press, I will not listen to her voice on the tapes, I will not read her book, I will not listen to her interview and therefore, I will not go out and throw up! If the American people are truly fed up with this, don’t buy the book.



Clinton defenders, in place of attacking Tripp, should thank her for bringing the truth to the country. If it were not for Tripp they would still be in the dark and still supporting their leader’s finger-waving false claim of innocence.

WILLIAM N. McNAIRN, Palos Verdes Estates


The release of the Lewinsky tapes has not made any difference. President Clinton is still as guilty and crooked as ever. I and many other of my friends have given up on him. We would love to see him be impeached and honesty, integrity and trust returned to the presidency and the country.


CALVIN FONG, Beverly Hills


We really need President Clinton. Who else could go through so much personal stress and still be able to effectively run the business of this country?

