
Teenage Mothers


Re “Educators at Odds Over Aid to Teen Mothers,” Oct. 9.

The fact that a teenage mother would be interested in furthering her education should be indicative of the success such a program would have for keeping her off welfare in the future, or out of the courts for child abuse.

All of the money spent for Head Start or any education program goes down the drain if we don’t take every opportunity to give a teenager a last chance to square his or her life before their adult future.

School trustee Ron Matthews commented, “It would be like we were rewarding these girls for having these babies out of wedlock.” What happed to the “children first” values? Wouldn’t a well-trained mother help give a child a real head start?


Education should help people live in the real world. How do these people get on the Board of Education?



Ron Matthews has little understanding of the meaning of education. He has no faith in the ability of education to enlighten, elevate and effect change. What is such a man doing making decisions about the education of our children? To deprive teen mothers of the opportunity to raise healthy, well-balanced babies is to swell the tide of child abuse and neglect and to ensure future generations of welfare.

Mr. Matthews appears unable to care about the deplorable waste of human lives. He does not want these mothers “rewarded” by being allowed to learn how to raise their children to be healthy, productive citizens. His vision of fiduciary responsibility excludes those who do not meet his moral standards.

We all wish that every child could be born into a loving, two-parent, secure family with sufficient financial backing to assure their healthy growth. Failing that, let us offer help where it is most needed.

