
Holding Back Low Achievers


* Re “Should Students Be Held Back?” Voices, Oct. 10:

As usual, it is the victim being blamed. Of course we want students to achieve grade-level skills, but retention is not the solution.

We need to build more schools so that all students receive the same amount of instructional time. Students at year-round schools receive less instructional time.

Provide intervention for students who are behind. Allow educators to make educated decisions on instructional methodologies rather than political zealots. Provide early childhood education, so that when students begin kindergarten they have experienced 1,000 hours of being read to and are prepared to learn.



South Gate


* Those teachers who are for failing students and against social promotion should do a little homework. The National Assn. of School Psychologists, among many other organizations, has done extensive research on the ineffectiveness of failing students. Low achievers do not catch up by repeating the grade. The research shows they are more hurt by retention than helped, regardless of the grade level. The long-term pattern for retention is an increase in the dropout rate. Anyone who has checked the literature and data on what happens to flunked children will see it is ineffective in producing a “learning student” the second time around.

As a school psychologist and a former teacher (18 years), I always find it incredible that some teachers believe that if the student doesn’t learn, it’s the student’s fault and not the teachers to create the desire to learn.


