
A Legacy Indeed


Leilah Bernstein’s wonderful article on “Times Past: Lobster’s Sweet Legacy” (Oct. 7, 1998) brought back a flood of memories for me. Unless there was more than one woman by the name of Mrs. S.H. Rigby in Los Angeles in 1911, the recipe for lobster cutlets given to The Times then was sent by my grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Henry Rigby.

Though it may not have won a prize in The Times’ recipe contest, it may have been one of the reasons my grandparents were able to run a rather successful rooming house called the Rochester on Temple Street between Beaudry and Figueroa. On their business card, they stated “Good Table Board,” and lobster cutlets seem to fit that bill.

I am so glad that The Times chose to publish the recipe in one of their classic cookbooks and that Bernstein brought it to your readers’ attention. I will be turning 82 this month and think an order of lobster cutlets is a perfect way to mark the occasion. I just bet Grandma would be pleased to see her recipe treating everyone today. It certainly will treat her grandson, great-granddaughter and great-great-granddaughter, and our families--all native Angelenos and all Times readers. Thank you for a very special birthday present!


A. RIGBY LLOYD, Hollywood
