
Monday’s Council Session Rescheduled


Because of Labor Day, the City Council’s regular Monday night meeting has been rescheduled to 7 p.m. Tuesday.

At the meeting, the council will consider a recommendation that no changes be made to the rate of a municipal tax used to pay for the retirement of city employees, Mayor Raul Godinez II said.

He described the city’s pension-paying method as unique.

“The retirement for employees is assessed to property owners,” which differs from the way many other municipalities raise the funds, Godinez said.


The council will consider whether to keep the tax--for the third consecutive year--at 18.4 cents for every $100 of a property’s assessed value, said Steve Klotzsche, administrative services director.

In addition to discussing the tax, council members also will hear public statements on other city issues.

The council meets in its chambers at 117 Macneil St.
